This is me for now.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just One Of Those Days!

Woke up in the morning and felt great ready for the workout and to take on the day! I'm in a great mood today I can't wait till my second workout and sweat like hell which makes me happy lol. Its been 107 days of working out with no cheat days and no skipped days working out 2-3 hours a day with a weight lost of 51 pounds of fat! It's what I do everyday that makes me happy I love fitness. What makes you happy leave a comment below.


  1. Yeah, getting a good workout in and going 100% makes me happy too. And it's always good to see the results....

    After your 1st round of P90X - did you immediately start round 2? Or did you take some time off inbetween? I've heard of people doing both & was curious about what you did.

  2. Give a 100% everyday makes me feel good and that I did something great each day! Sounds like your giving it all you got too which is awesome! Yeeah after my first round of p90x I started my second round immediately because I gotta stick with my goal! It been 109 days of p90x and running and be active with no cheat days meaning no cheat meals and not skipping a day cause I felt tired. If you wanna talk more the links to the right to my facebook and beachbody website are there, you can e-mail me or text!

  3. Sounds good. Thanks for the quick reply...Yeah, I've got 2 more weeks left of my first round, but I'm going to just jump in immed for round 2.


  4. No prob! That's awesome! How are you likin the results so far? Round 2 will be much better and the weight will just fly off just remember to be patient and don't stress and you'll be on a good track of losing weight!
