This is me for now.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What makes you go??

Today is my second round of P90x and its my 91st day. Also my 11th day on shakeology and I feel great!! My first 90 days was hard but I loved every second of it, I've lost a  total of 41 pounds in 90 days and still losing more. Every time I work out I also think of what I will look like when I'm done and that makes me go harder. Even listening to certain music makes me wanna go harder. I always tell myself never quit and never give up and keep on pushing tell you can't no more. I always take time to meditate and relax for at least an half an hour to get all my thoughts together and have some me time. It really helps alot cause it reminds me every day way I'm doing this and its a great feeling after. I also take time to go outside for a run or jog just to get some fresh air and sun. Even if its not nice outside I still go out and get fresh air and relax for a bit. Another thing thing that helps push me and makes me go harder is seeing and reading stories on beachbody in the message boards or on YouTube seeing videos of there transformation video is great motivation. So what motivates you ? Leave a comment below.

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