This is me for now.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weight Loss Tips

So today is my weigh in day and I loss 6 pounds in a week which brings me to a total of 32 pounds lost so far, which is great I love getting on that scale to see my weight after a hard weeks of work. So I'm gonna give you some weight loss tips from my point of view.

1. Exercise is essential for weight loss, its nothing new when you hear this but just don't think cause you don't eat alot you'll lose weight fast you need  to exercise. Some people would say I don't have time, well you have time to watch TV, Surf the Internet, etc.. Everyone has at least 5-30 mins that they can use to exercise everyday. If you like watch TV put the treadmill in front of the TV or put on your ipod on before you know 30 mins are up and you just got healthier. If you get bored working out alone grab a friend or join a support group like my P90x Army. Exercise is essential for weight loss.

2. Strength Training  is important as well, the more muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn, so ladies don't but afraid of bigger weights those tiny weights aren't gonna help you lose weight in the time you want. While aerobic exercise can help with your weight loss  burning lots of calories but muscle is an active tissue and fat is not so muscle will burn a lot of calories every  day on its own maintenance.

3. Stay Healthy stop thinking about being thin and focus on being healthy stop worrying about numbers and worry about your health. The more you stress out the more you'll gain weight because we all now stress is a major weight gain for everyone. Remember the food pyramid in school whole grains, all vegetables, especially green vegetables, raw vegetables and salads. Also stay away from processed foods cause they contain unhealthy fats and chemicals that will make your system less healthy and efficient. So remember stay health and don't worry about the numbers take care of your body.

4. Goals are to be set at the highest possible but don't expect to lose 30 pounds in a month. Cause your body is gonna be in shock when you start working out. Your body is gonna have to get use that your working out everyday and your body has to get with the program. Many people don't see weight loss after 45 days so you gotta stay strong and keep exercising everyday. Don't weigh your self everyday or you'll just go crazy pick one day out of the week like Sunday to weigh your self. Also weigh your self when you wake up after you use the bathroom. If you weigh your self in the middle of the day your numbers aren't gonna be right cause of all the foods you been eating and drinking through out the whole day. Make you goals high but do expect it to happen in a month, your body wasn't built in 30 days it takes time to get the body you want hard work comes along way and at the end you'll be happy and have a new you and life.

5. Nutrition Facts learn how to read the labels and read the ingredients the first item on the ingredients is also what they have alot of in it. If the ingredients look like a science quiz where you cant pronounce half the stuff its probably not good for your body. HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup that stuff is bad for you stay away from that, it tricks your body to think your not full until you eat alot more then gain weight so pay attention to your food labels. If you haven't seen the movie Food Inc you should watch it theres a video of the trailer down below in one of my other blogs.

So stay healthy and exercise regularly and get educated of your foods I'll be here if you need support or some to talk to.

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